Stamp Collecting - Stephen R. Datz - Review
There are many stamp collecting books and to find the best among them is a tough task. The stamp collecting book by Stephen R. Datz is ranked high for the quality tips that it offers to the stamp collectors. The book contains all the information needed for anyone to start out the hobby. If you are new to stamp collecting, you probably need some guide to help you in the beginning. This book is one such reference material that will provide you all insights necessary to enjoy the hobby. The author has written couple more books on stamps and stamp collection. The author is also a stamp collector for a long time. The book deals with all concepts related to collection of stamps in a series of chapters. Starting from finding the right stamps to using stamp collecting equipments, the author has presented the best of his ideas based on his experiences of collecting stamps. If you are interested in knowing the history of stamps, this book will help you know about that too. The only drawback about the book is the absence of colored pictures. All pictures given in the book are in black and white but nevertheless, they carry forward the necessary information. The book is best for beginners as the concepts are explained with simpler terms. The stamps provide information about how to collect stamps, where to collect them, how to remove stamps from envelopes and most importantly, how to identify fake stamps. So for a beginner, this book is a handy guide but it does not serve as a complete reference.